baner 4

Complaint Form

The profile of the complainant:
ورودی نامعتبر


ورودی نامعتبر

Family relationship with the patient
ورودی نامعتبر

ورودی نامعتبر

Phone Number
ورودی نامعتبر

Mobile Number
ورودی نامعتبر

Value is not correct.

Name of the Patient*
Value is not correct.

مقدار وارد شده صحیح نمی باشد.

Medical Records*

Date of Complaints
invalid input

Time of the Complaint*
Value is not correct.

Date of the Issue
ورودی نامعتبر

Value is not correct.

Invalid Input

Mobile Number
مقدار وارد شده صحیح نمی باشد.


Which of the following cases is the issue that you have a complaint:
The person in question, with the names and positions
ورودی نامعتبر

Section / unit
ورودی نامعتبر

Others to mention
ورودی نامعتبر

Explain the details of the complaint:
Please, explain all activities or services that you have received in order to be better analyzed by complaint unit
ورودی نامعتبر

Check the subject of complaints:
ورودی نامعتبر

Dear client; Please, attach all the copy of contracts, invoices, prescriptions, bills paid, communications related to the subject of your complaint and ... to the original complaint form.
Security Code*
Security Code
invalid input